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BGSICoaching | Getting Unstuck | Clean teeth denture, dental cut of the tooth, tooth model, and dentistry instruments

Getting Unstuck: Breaking Free from the Rut in Life and Business

Welcome back to another episode of MOJO: The Meaning of Life and Business. Today we have a special guest joining us, Dr. Kory Wegner who is a highly successful dentist who has not only built a thriving practice but has also excelled in the business side of dentistry. We’ll be diving into the topic of getting out of a rut …

BGSICoaching | Key in human hands. Mystic keyholes and checkered floor | Unlock Your Imagination

Unlock the Power of Imagination and Create Goals for the Future

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the same mundane tasks? Do you crave for something more inspiring to get out of your comfort zone and make a positive change in life? Then this blog is perfect for helping shape up that vision. We’re here to help show how achievable it is when setting meaningful goals, exploring what direction you want to …

Harmony And Balance Between Work And Family

Managing Work-Life Integration

Many entrepreneurs and professionals are always trying to figure out how to integrate their work and personal lives. Sometimes we end up missing important meetings or events because we didn’t properly prioritize, or maybe we chose one over the other to get something bigger out of what we chose. But how do we really figure out how to balance our …